Author Archives: William T. Corbett, JR.

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How long does it take back injuries to heal?

How long does it take back injuries to heal?

Back injuries serve as one of the major health issues that workers everywhere face, with back pain being the number one cause for missed workdays…

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Steps to take after a slip-and-fall accident

Steps to take after a slip-and-fall accident

In 2019, OSHA reported 900 fatal and 230,000 non-fatal workplace accidents. Slip-and-fall incidents are confusing and embarrassing, and many people get up and move on…

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Breaking down the financial costs of your SCI

Breaking down the financial costs of your SCI

Spinal cord injuries as the result of motor vehicle accidents or slip-and-fall accidents are expensive and may leave a lasting, permanent impact on your future.…

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North Carolina sees highest number of road deaths since 2007

North Carolina sees highest number of road deaths since 2007

Traffic deaths are rising rapidly across North Carolina, and while some types of fatal crashes decreased in 2021, other types became far more common. Many…

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What 3 elements does a basic estate plan need?

What 3 elements does a basic estate plan need?

Everyone benefits from having an estate plan, but as you age, your family grows and you acquire more assets, having a North Carolina estate plan…

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What are the different power of attorney options?

What are the different power of attorney options?

Powers of attorney (POAs) are an essential part of most estate plans. These legal documents ensure you have the right assistance to handle certain matters…

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Identifying the signs of traumatic brain injury

Identifying the signs of traumatic brain injury

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of brain injury in North Carolina and across the United States. According to the Centers for…

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What to do before leaving the scene of a car crash

What to do before leaving the scene of a car crash

After a North Carolina car crash, there are certain steps you may want to take to help protect your interests and potentially strengthen your case…

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Mooresville, NC Automobile Accidents Attorney

Mooresville, NC Automobile Accidents Attorney

North Carolina Auto Accident Attorney After a car accident, it is important to understand your legal rights in the state where the accident took place.…

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