Author Archives: William T. Corbett, JR.

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What are ways power cords can cause falls?

What are ways power cords can cause falls?

Store owners should take care that their properties do not pose dangers to patrons. A number of hazards may cause a devastating fall, including floor…

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What are some signs of nursing home abuse?

What are some signs of nursing home abuse?

Moving into a nursing home should be a positive change for any older person struggling in their daily life. However, sometimes the staff at the…

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Driver fatigue and traffic collisions

Driver fatigue and traffic collisions

If you become involved in a drowsy driving collision, you could suffer debilitating injuries, financial costs and other serious consequences. This highlights the importance of…

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What are advance directives and how important are they?

What are advance directives and how important are they?

When thinking about your will, you may start to wonder what would happen in an emergency situation. If you get hurt, you could be in…

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How do back injuries heal?

How do back injuries heal?

Dealing with back injuries proves difficult for everyone. Of course, the type of healing that occurs and the period over which it takes place will…

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Making a case for pain and suffering in North Carolina

Making a case for pain and suffering in North Carolina

After a North Carolina car wreck leaves you with a serious, potentially life-altering injury, you may decide to seek damages. If you decide to pursue…

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What types of damages can accident victims recover?

What types of damages can accident victims recover?

A serious personal injury can cause long-lasting financial harm. Getting compensation can make it possible to avoid serious hardship and focus on getting better. After…

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3 things your future executor should know

3 things your future executor should know

When you create your North Carolina estate plan, an important part of doing so involves naming an executor, or a personal representative, who is going…

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What are the most likely places to slip and fall inside?

What are the most likely places to slip and fall inside?

As you walk around a store, you may begin to notice the variety of dangerous items and areas that can lead to a slip and…

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