Huntersville Car Accident Lawyer

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Huntersville Car Accident Attorney

Auto accidents are inevitable with the multitude of drivers on the road. However, when these accidents occur because a driver fails to uphold their safety responsibilities behind the wheel, they could be held liable for injuries suffered by others. A Huntersville car accident lawyer can provide insightful counsel and diligent representation for your injury case.

If you’re unsure whether you have a strong claim to receive compensation or not, a qualified attorney from The Law Office of William T. Corbett, Jr., P.L.L.C., can review your case.

Huntersville Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Causes

There are numerous reasons a traffic accident may happen, but most are a result of driver negligence. Many negligent drivers engage in reckless driving behaviors such as speeding and driving carelessly or erratically without consideration for other motorists on the road.

Aggressive driving also endangers the safety of others and nearby property. This includes abruptly changing lanes without signaling or looking, tailgating, unsafely passing other vehicles, and running red lights. Drivers who ignore traffic signs and laws can easily endanger others. These behaviors could result in blocking an intersection, not yielding, and turning when prohibited.

Many traffic incidents can result from distracted, intoxicated, or fatigued driving. Distracted driving can include several behaviors, including:

  • Using technological devices
  • Adjusting the radio
  • Eating or drinking
  • Reaching for something

These examples, as well as anything that takes the driver’s eyes off the road, their hands off the wheel, or makes them unaware of their surroundings, are dangerous.

Driving while drunk or impaired by other substances can be particularly catastrophic, as the driver’s vision and motor functions can be significantly impaired. This is also true for fatigued motorists, who are often out of it and less likely to react accordingly to sudden obstacles or changes.

Common Injuries Within Motor Vehicle Accidents

Not every automobile accident may cause serious or severe injuries. Even if you were only minimally harmed, you may be entitled to pursue full compensation for your damages. Some of the most common injuries reported among victims of a car crash include:

  • Whiplash injuries. These injuries include damage to soft tissues within the neck muscles and tendons after the force of impact stretches them beyond the normal range. This could result in pain, numbness, weakness, nerve damage, and herniated (slipped) discs.
  • Injuries to the back and spinal cord. Injuries such as these may entail ruptured discs, nerve irritation or pressure (compression), strained or sprained muscles, and fractured vertebrae. Some injuries may result in partial or full paralysis.
  • Traumatic damage to the brain and other internal organs. Head injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, causing immediate or delayed long-term effects such as physical impairment, cognitive disability, and other impacts. Organ damage can cause internal bleeding and impaired functioning and may require medical intervention.

These are just a few of the types of injuries you could suffer in a car accident. Other types include broken or fractured bones, burns, lacerations, injury to the face or eyes, permanent scarring, amputated limbs or other extremities, and wrongful death. No matter what type of injuries you suffer, speaking with an attorney could help you recover damages you may be entitled to.

Filing an Insurance Claim and Negotiation with Providers

After a car accident, you can file with your own insurance provider to recuperate some of the damages incurred, but it’s likely you’ll incur outstanding costs. North Carolina’s at-fault laws for traffic incidents allow injured parties to claim full compensation from the liable driver’s insurance company. If there’s insufficient coverage, they could also file a claim through the courts.

Your injury law attorney will negotiate with the other driver’s insurance provider to secure you a settlement payout that’s fair for the extent of your injuries and subsequent damages suffered because of the accident. This can be a challenging process in some cases, particularly when the insurance company denies their client’s culpability, refuses to cooperate during negotiations, or only offers insufficient settlement proposals.

Insurance companies are notorious for trying to undercompensate individuals filing or avoid payment altogether. Many insurers will initially deny a victim’s claim, citing reasons such as the person had a preexisting medical condition, there is insufficient data proving the claim or their damages are excluded from an insurance policy, among other excuses.

Having a competent lawyer is crucial in these cases because they can contest the denial of your insurance claim, negotiate with insurers on your behalf, and, if necessary, bring the personal injury claim to court and present a strong case for your full compensation.


How Much Can Someone Receive for a Car Accident in NC?

How much someone may receive in their compensation payment for car accident damages will vary from case to case. Influencing factors include the severity of bodily injury, how long recovery is estimated to take, whether permanent disability or disfigurement was inflicted, and other details. Your injury lawyer can give you a general approximation of how much your case may be eligible to receive.

How Long After an Accident Can You Sue in NC?

In North Carolina, the statute of limitations is three years for personal injury and two years for wrongful death. This window of time begins when injury becomes apparent, which may be immediately after the accident or after a longer period of time has passed. Delayed injuries from malpractice may qualify for more time. Speaking with your attorney can clarify when you should file your claim.

How Do You Prove Pain and Suffering in North Carolina?

Pain and suffering, or non-economic damages, can be difficult to prove as they’re the victim’s own individual experience, and everyone may be affected by injury differently under their unique circumstances. Evidence that can help speak to the person’s pain and suffering include testimonies from their loved ones, physicians, and mental health counselors and medical records detailing the extent of treatment and lifestyle limitations, bodily restrictions, and more.

Is North Carolina a No-Fault State for Car Accidents?

No, North Carolina adheres to an at-fault system rather than a no-fault doctrine. In some other states that follow a no-fault system, both drivers may be able to pursue compensation if there is shared liability or the party who’s more at fault is barred from compensation. In Huntersville, North Carolina, if the person claiming injury is even slightly liable, they lose their right to compensation.

Huntersville Car Accident Lawyer

By entrusting experienced injury attorneys at The Law Office of William T. Corbett, Jr., P.L.L.C., you can feel confident that your case is in capable hands. Contact our team today to schedule an initial meeting with one of our skilled lawyers.

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